Busy Bees

It was great to have everyone back on board this week and we got lots done. An amazing bamboo bean frame was constructed with the help of architect Lisa…

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We also got the whole kumara patch dug over, mounded up, fertilised and ready for the kumara to go in. In the process we found a worm that had literally tied itself in a knot!

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As well as all that we managed to plant a whole lot of beans and peas in pots and lots of other summer seedlings into the garden beds. Doing that meant we had to clear space – because we never have enough space – which meant there was produce for our gardeners to take home.

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It was so impressive how well everyone worked together today, and really stuck to the tasks they were doing. We have such a great group of dedicated gardeners, it is a real pleasure to be out in the garden with them.


“Worms Are Friendly Gardeners”


Welcome to Term 4