


June 24th (Matariki Public Holiday)

PiPS are excited to announce our first native planting on Mauao and we would love you to join us! This is a little different to traditional plantings, as tamariki grew these natives at our local schools from seed collected off Mauao over a year ago as part of the PiPS Mauao Regeneration Project! Local iwi has set aside a special site on Mauao for the natives to grow, in what we have named the “PiPS Whanau Ngahere”, a place you can visit for years to come - very special!

Te Puna I Rangiriri Trust have just released information for Matariki Ki Mauao 2022 and our re-planting will take place after the opening of the ātea a rangi (a celestial star compass) at the top of Mauao. This ceremony takes place at the Mauao summit at 5:45am and following this, we will walk down to the PiPS Whanau Ngahere site to start the planting, with PWO Navigator Jack Thatcher (CNZM) blessing our site and Josh Clark, Mauao Environment Advisor helping us.

Nau mai haere mai e te whanau. Please register your interest and we will send information closer to date around timings and where to meet. If you do not wish to take part in the opening at the summit, you can meet us at the planting site

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PERMISSION FORM for PiPS Mauao Project - Seed Gathering Morning

PERMISSION FORM for PiPS Mauao Project - Seed Gathering Morning


9am: Meet at Pilot Bay toilets by the camping ground. Karakia and Introductions

9:15am -11:00am: Walk around Mauao collecting Native seeds, learning the tikanga around this.

PiPS Email:

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PiPS Combined Schools Seedling Sale

Come along to Arataki Park where tamariki from five local school garden clubs will be selling seedlings to raise funds for their gardening projects. The students have grown and been donated all sorts of summer seedlings, ready to plant into your garden or grow in a pot.

There will also be a sausage sizzle, coffee (bring your own cup and get a discount), live music and a bike repair stand – bring your bike and get some help to fix it.

We would love to see you at the park between 10.30am-12pm on Saturday November 3rd

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Tahatai Coast Wicking Beds Working Bee


Are you keen for a delicious morning tea with scones and cakes?

Would you like a free BBQ lunch for the whole family?

Would you like to help out your school at the same time?

You can do all those things at once on SATURDAY 11th AUGUST (that’s in two Saturday’s time) when we are holding a working bee from 9am – 1pm to fill our fantastic new school garden beds. Our gardens are an amazing learning space for our kids and they will allow us to grow kai to share with all our school community. 

In return for your mahi we will provide a delicious morning tea and BBQ lunch for everyone. Bring the kids along to help (or play in the school grounds) – you won’t have to feed them till teatime :)

If you have Saturday sports or other commitments you can still come and lend a hand before or after. The more help we have the faster we’ll have the BBQ on! Thank you in advance for supporting the school and supporting our tamariki.

Please let Clare know if you’re able to help out on 021-207 6016 or email

PS: Covered shoes are ESSENTIAL for everyone, and please bring gloves, raincoat and a wheelbarrow if you have one. The working bee will go ahead no matter what the weather.

If you can’t make it but have a wheelbarrow you can lend us for the day, please also contact Clare. We may be able to collect it and drop it off if you’re unable to get it to the school.

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Arataki Wicking Beds Working Bee

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Are you keen for a delicious morning tea with scones and cakes?

Would you like a free BBQ lunch for the whole family?

Would you like to help out your school at the same time?

You can do all those things at once on SATURDAY 11th AUGUST (that’s in two Saturday’s time) when we are holding a working bee from 9am – 1pm to fill our fantastic new school garden beds. Our gardens are an amazing learning space for our kids and they will allow us to grow kai to share with all our school community. 

In return for your mahi we will provide a delicious morning tea and BBQ lunch for everyone. Bring the kids along to help (or play in the school grounds) – you won’t have to feed them till teatime :)

If you have Saturday sports or other commitments you can still come and lend a hand before or after. The more help we have the faster we’ll have the BBQ on! Thank you in advance for supporting the school and supporting our tamariki.

Please let Clare know if you’re able to help out on 021-207 6016 or email

PS: Covered shoes are ESSENTIAL for everyone, and please bring gloves, raincoat and a wheelbarrow if you have one. The working bee will go ahead no matter what the weather.

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to Nov 26

Grow Free Food! Home Garden Basics Course

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Are you ready to grow your own food but unsure where to start? Or do you end up spending lots of money each year on plants and soil but don’t really get a lot to show for it? PiPS has developed this course to teach you how to make the most of the resources you have and produce healthy, organic veges for your whole family. Kids welcome to join in. Numbers limited to ten adults per course.

When: Five week course starting Sunday 29th October, 4 – 6 pm, running each consecutive Sunday with the last session on Sunday 26th November.

Where: Arataki School, Kaimanawa Street, Mt Maunganui.

Session One (Oct. 29th): Preparing a vege bed, starting a compost, worm farms.

Session Two (Nov. 5th): Saving seeds, planting seeds.

Session Three (Nov. 12th): Planning your garden to suit your family.

Session Four (Nov. 19th): All you need to know about keeping backyard chickens.

Session Five (Nov. 26th): Working bee and shared feast.

Cost per adult: FREE to Garden Club Volunteers, FREE if you sign up for a School Garden working bee (3 hour working bees happen at the school once a term on a Saturday or Sunday), or $75 (for the time poor).

Sign up or enquire below!

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‘Tomorrow’ Movie Fundraiser

Please join us at our movie fundraiser, 6.15pm on Thursday 29 June at Rialto Cinema, Devonport Rd. We are excited to be screening the award winning documentary ‘Tomorrow’:

Here, finally, is some good news about what is going RIGHT with the world!

TOMORROW is a beautifully filmed documentary presenting concrete, down-to-earth solutions for sustainable living and community resilience. Showcased are programs being implemented around the world by people making a difference in their own communities. Their stories make “Tomorrow” one of the most essential and inspirational viewing experiences of our time.

This movie premiered at the Paris Climate talks in 2015 and has been shown all around the world to standing ovations.

Tickets are $20pp and all proceeds support our member school garden programmes. They are available via the Rialto Cinemas website, click here to purchase your tickets now!

tomorrow poster
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