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Grow Free Food! Home Garden Basics Course

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Are you ready to grow your own food but unsure where to start? Or do you end up spending lots of money each year on plants and soil but don’t really get a lot to show for it? PiPS has developed this course to teach you how to make the most of the resources you have and produce healthy, organic veges for your whole family. Kids welcome to join in. Numbers limited to ten adults per course.

When: Five week course starting Sunday 29th October, 4 – 6 pm, running each consecutive Sunday with the last session on Sunday 26th November.

Where: Arataki School, Kaimanawa Street, Mt Maunganui.

Session One (Oct. 29th): Preparing a vege bed, starting a compost, worm farms.

Session Two (Nov. 5th): Saving seeds, planting seeds.

Session Three (Nov. 12th): Planning your garden to suit your family.

Session Four (Nov. 19th): All you need to know about keeping backyard chickens.

Session Five (Nov. 26th): Working bee and shared feast.

Cost per adult: FREE to Garden Club Volunteers, FREE if you sign up for a School Garden working bee (3 hour working bees happen at the school once a term on a Saturday or Sunday), or $75 (for the time poor).

Sign up or enquire below!

June 29

‘Tomorrow’ Movie Fundraiser

August 6

Arataki Wicking Beds Working Bee