Last Day of Term

It was the last meet up of Term 3 so our gardeners were allowed to choose three types of seed to sow into pots and take home. There was a lot of excitement and discussion as the choices were made, the seeds were planted and the pots were labelled, and it brought home to us how much we’ve all learned over the year – things we are taking for granted now about what seeds need to grow and how we need to look after them were all new to many of us at the start of the year.

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The remaining veggies in the garden are mostly going to seed now, and we’re going to let them flower over the holidays to give the bees some food. While the bees collect nectar to eat they will also pollinate the flowers. And pollination will make the flowers set seed, meaning we can collect free seed to grow new plants next term… so everybody wins :)

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In the greenhouse the sunflower seeds we planted last week are already germinating, and we were amazed to see how powerful a little seed can be and how much dirt it can lift up! Our tomato plants are getting really big – we are each going to take one home and plant it in our own gardens. We’re going to have to repot the rest of them again after the holidays if they keep growing so well.

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Happy holidays everyone and thank you to all our volunteers and teachers who have helped with the garden club this term :)

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Welcome to Term 4


Leaf Cutter Bees