Potato Planting

Today we planted potatoes in the patch we used for our kumara last summer. We had to dig, fertilise (with sheep pellets) and measure before we and finally got to plant the potatoes in two rows. 


As exciting as the potato mission was, for most of our gardeners it couldn’t compete with the lure of the tree stump beside the garden bed that was just begging to be dug out. By the end of the lunch hour 75% of our gardeners were busy attacking the stump and only a dedicated few remained on task to actually get the potatoes into the ground. We wonder whether the potato saga will play out along the lines of the story of the Little Red Hen? 

At least everyone got some exercise and some vitamin D… and apparently everyone had a great time ;)

tahatai-27 jun 2018_stump.jpg

Planning Our New Garden Beds


Mataraki Planting