Sharing the Fruits of our Labours

The weather may be a bit brisk but some plants actually prefer that. Winter veges like brassicas (broccoli, kale, cauliflower and cabbage), spinach and silverbeet, carrots, peas, lettuce and coriander are all flourishing in our garden and we’ve had plenty to take home and to share with our teachers.


Our efforts in caring for our soil by feeding and mulching it must be paying off. Look at the size of the silverbeet we’ve grown!


When we heard that Mr Skilton was wanting some coriander plants for his home garden, we raced into action. We dug a couple of seedlings up from the garden beds – being extremely careful to dig down deeply so we didn’t damage the roots – potted them up and whisked them straight over to his office. He was very pleased!


Spring Weather and Kale Chips


Making our own Seed Raising Mix