Back in the Garden in 2021

It's a great pleasure to be back at Tahatai Coast School this year. Covid stopped a lot of our plans but we are so looking forward to being able to get a lot of growing under way.


We started the year seed saving the seeds from the summer crops and we are using them for planter boxes so we can make herb muffins at the end of the term (if all goes well).

The tamariki were amazed that they can grow more vegetables/herbs from the seed they have saved. The bean seeds we are saving for next years harvest. We really can’t wait for this to happen. We also made our own seed raising mix trying new recipes and have found one that works really well.


Whaea Clare showed us how to direct sow into the garden beds and we can’t wait to see how this will turn out.

We also had a big clean up from the summer and were amazed what vegetables grew well and which didn’t. Beans, tomatoes and corn were a hit this year.


Late Summer Busy-ness


Propogating from Stem Cuttings