Autumn Bounty

April saw the end of Term 1. What a great term for our students, we spent time direct sowing a lot of seed and they are starting to pop up now. We have been a bit worried where we will put everything but we thought some of us could take them home for our gardens, sell them, or we just make room.


We also did an experiment with an ‘ola pot’. An ola pot is a terracotta pot that you bury in the garden, fill with water and over time the water seeps slowly out of the pot and waters the garden. We found it worked really well and when we lifted the pot we could see the plant’s roots growing in the direction of the pot.


When we got back from the holidays one of our broccoli was ready so we cut it up and had it for our lunch, we also found beans, lettuce and our edible flowers. We also checked our carrots as Ms Hunt has this amazing carrot dip recipe that we are all wanting to try. Also our beetroot is nearly ready too. What will we cook with this?


The Mauao Seed Saving Project – Step 1


Late Summer Busy-ness