A Busy Term 1 at Tahatai

With Covid still hanging around this term the decision was made that we would have year groups out into the gardens instead of a garden club. This way we could do more effective learning tailored to each age group.

Term 1 was busy cooking - our favourite was basil pesto and making our own orange juice, we picked fruit from the orchard and shared it with the kura.

We planted new seasons vegetables and harvested six pumpkins which we will use for pumpkin soup later in the year.

We also kept measuring the temperature in the soil so we knew when to stop planting the summer vegetables. Whaea Clare talked to us how summer vegetables like the soil to be around 15 degrees C so when this dropped we knew when to plant our autumn crop,

Whaea Clare also talked to us about our space and how to design a garden. We draw up some plans that Whaea Clare showed Mr Skilton, he is going to put some of these designs to good use.

We talked about roots and were amazed about how big some plant’s roots could get. It made us think about when we were watering about how much water the garden beds needed and how deep it needed to go into the soil.

We also made salads from the lettuce and silverbeet that we had, and loved trying new food that we grew.

Roll on Term 2 and I hope we will all be well and healthy to have a fun term.


Adventures with Matua Jake


Mauao Seed Saving - Collection Day