Term 3 Update

We’re back in the swing of things for Term 3 and things are starting to pick up in the garden. It’s not spring yet but we have passed the longest day and everything will be taking off before we know it. In the meantime we’ve been our usual busy selves, here are some of the things we’ve been doing:

Last week Gemma and Jenna from Tui Garden came to see how we’ve used the soil they donated. We did a powhiri and sang a waiata for them.

tui visit

Leo from Why Waste was here last week too. He talked to us about how to plant seeds and all about slugs and snails, and we checked the worm bins too. We love when Leo comes, he has so much knowledge and we learn so much. 

Whaea Heidi talked to us about kumara, how good it is for us and what vitamins are in it. We’re looking forward to getting our kumara into the garden this year. 

leo and heidi

As the weather warms up so does Nennie’s garden. It’s looking beautiful, we are so lucky having her in our garden club.

And speaking of gardens, last year we sprinkled some seeds into the butterfly garden and they didn’t take. But look at it now — we have surprise winter flowers!

nennies garden and wildflowers

Our orchard is getting some love, too. Here’s the wonderful Hibiscus group mulching it to keep the weeds at bay.

Meanwhile the art group are making these signs for us. We’re just waiting on the vanish then we can hang them up to make our gardens brighter and more welcoming than ever.

orchard and signs

Plant Based Food Banquet


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