What We’ve Been Up To This Term

We have been really busy this term getting the garden beds and orchard ready for winter, and finishing off preparation of our coop in readiness for the arrival of our chickens. 

It was a proud moment today when we used our very own compost to fertilise the garden beds and the orchard. We are so proud that we can use the weeds and waste from our garden to help our plants grow, and close the waste loop.


The Montessori class is going to take daily care of our chickens once they arrive. Today they planted feijoa and citrus trees to provide shelter for them. Citrus and feijoas are two types of plant who will really like the fertiliser (poop!) that the chickens will provide. 


Ballance Agricultural donated two garden beds, soil and vegetables for the Year 0 and Year 1 classes to start a garden. The Zinna group planted vegetable seedlings to help the younger children get their garden started. Thank you Ballance Agricultural!

The Zinnias then transplanted seedlings ready for the vegetable gardens and the market stall.


Meanwhile the Frangapani group looked after the orchard using a combination of compost made at the garden club, sheep pellets and potash.


We also have four rows of garden beds down by the orchard. Ruma 11 and the Hebe group are preparing the rows for our legumes plantings of peas and broad beans. Legumes are amazing winter crops as not only do they provide us with veges but they give nitrogen back to the soil. 

four rows.jpg

Planting and Eating


Thank You Tui!