Planting and Eating

Today Whaea Fran taught some of us how to plant seedlings. We dug a hole, then dipped the seedling’s roots into seaweed fertiliser before gently lowering it in, making sure we didn’t scrunch the roots up. Then we carefully pushed the soil back around the plant and put mulch around it to keep the soil moist and the seedling protected.

Meanwhile another group was making chips using kale from our garden. All we needed was kale, olive oil and salt. We washed and dried the kale, cut it up, brushed it with olive oil and cooked it in the oven until it was crisp. Once the chips came out we sprinkled a bit of salt on them and munched them up. It was so easy and delicious we could hardly believe we were eating vegetables!

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Others were busy in the garden beds planting seedlings. In a couple of months these plants will be ready to harvest, while another group were planting seeds – a ‘beneficial insect blend’ of flowers that will not only look beautiful but help attract bees and other pollinating insects into our garden. We used pots that have been donated to us.

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Finding and Growing Kai Everywhere


What We’ve Been Up To This Term