Finding and Growing Kai Everywhere

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 Zinnia group were looking after the feijoa hedge today. We pruned it and put the worm castings from the worm farm around the roots. We also tried taking feijoa cuttings – if these grow we’ll have more fejoa plants and maybe more fejoas.

And we are growing lemons! What are we going to use them for – lemonade, lemon muffins or lemon cake?

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While planting the broad beans today we found some pumpkin – Jaimee explained to us that when the ring around the stalk had shrunk down it is a sign that the pumpkin is ready to eat.

And Ruma 11 has been working hard digging up the kumara – some for Matariki and some for us to take home and eat with our whanau. We have got a great crop.

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Meanwhile the Dahlia group spent the day planting rerengarerenga by the hall. It’s a shady area, perfect for rengarenga. And in summer their beautiful white flowers will brighten up the spot.


Seedling House


Planting and Eating