Seedling House

Our new seedling house has arrived! The seedling house will allow us to grow our own seeds for the gardens and keep them safe from the wind. Later in the year we hope to turn it into a greenhouse using plastic bottles.

We got straight to work planting seeds to put into our house. We learned to sprinkle the seeds and spray the pots with water from the spray bottle. Why did we use the spray bottle instead of the hose? Well, the seeds are so small and delicate that if we used the hose it would probably wash them away. The spray bottle gives them a bit of moisture but not too much, and it makes a gentle mist that won’t dislodge the seeds.

We also learned that if we planted summer crops they may not survive the cold weather, so we’re planting autumn veges.

seedling house.jpg

Today we also used spring onions and rosemary from our garden to make delicious herb and cheese scones, and cleaned out some of the garden beds. We couldn’t resist picking the carrots, even though it was a bit early. They were still good!


Matariki Plantings


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