Chicken News

Today Jane and Yu from Teacher in the Paddock came and talked to Ruma 11, 18,  17 and 21 about how to take care of our chickens (who will be arriving in the second week of Term 3!).

We learnt a lot – here are just a few of the things:

That comfrey is good for our chickens

Which weeds from our garden they will eat

What sort of food scraps to give them

That adding crushed up eggshells to their food will give them calcium, which they need to produce strong new eggshells (how’s that for recycling!)

We also learnt about the different parts of a chicken’s body.

Thank you so much Teacher in the Paddock, for such an informative session. We can’t wait to start taking care of our own chickens. 

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A Busy Week


Matariki Plantings