Exciting Happenings!

Something very exciting is going on at the school right now, and our Kai Growers are right in the middle of it all. Here’s a hint:

trees and manure

And here are some more hints:

digging scene
(Your eyes aren’t deceiving you, that really is Mr Scott with the spade and Mr Skilton on one end of the post hole borer. They did a great job of mucking in, we even saw sweat pouring from their brows!)

(Your eyes aren’t deceiving you, that really is Mr Scott with the spade and Mr Skilton on one end of the post hole borer. They did a great job of mucking in, we even saw sweat pouring from their brows!)

Thanks to a morning’s hard work by all these people, 20 holes have been dug and back filled with a delicious mixture of soil, water and aged horse manure. Big thank yous to Clare, Mr Reiger, Lisa A, Brooke, Matt, Scott, Lisa R, Mr Scott and Mr Skilton – it couldn’t have happened without you all.

It was great to see both our principals lending a hand, it is fantastic to have their support but more importantly they are setting an example to all our students about valuing and respecting our school environment. 

Next week will be a very exciting time when the whole school will be involved in planting the trees and helping to create our very own Tahatai Coast School Orchard!


We Have An Orchard!


Term 3 Begins