Lots of Jobs to Do

Back to the garden after two weeks’ holiday and there was lots to do.

Clare had a group in the garden beds, weeding, learning and doing a bit of tasting too – our winter greens are growing really well.

Meanwhile Lisa’s group went into the orchard to do some companion planting around the orchard trees and tidy things up. We are looking at ways of keeping the grass from growing too closely around our trees. Kikuyu grass is very invasive and its roots can grow a long way down, taking nutrition from the soil that we’d rather was going into our fruit trees.

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Ali’s group were busy preparing for their pop-up vege stall next Tuesday before school. These guys have grown these winter vege plants from seed and are excited at the thought of sharing them with our school community next week. They had to decide on prices for all their goods, draw up a price list, make plant tags and create signage. Next will be the big challenge – they need to remember to come to school early next Tuesday.

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After garden club finished Clare, Lisa, Greg and Ali had a meeting to decide where to put our ten new kiwifruit bins. We are going to have so much more growing space very soon!


Orchard Pruning


Transplanting Seedlings