Planting Out the Wicking Beds
At last we have space to plant all the vege and flower seedlings that have been waiting so patiently in the greenhouse! We filled half a bed with lettuce, half a bed with broccoli and a whole bed with carrots. We also planted our wildflower seedlings along the ends of each bed, to attract pollinating insects and add a bit of colour. Everyone got stuck in and stayed on task really well.
Speaking of carrots, we decided to harvest the crop we planted in the old beds last term, and they didn’t last long! We completely forgot that along with the normal shaped carrots we’d also planted some round ones. These were very exciting to discover :)
Because our wicking bed area adjoins the rest of the school we now have lots of other kids and teachers coming to see what we’re doing. We showed some of the new entrants one of the carrots we’d harvested which they were very interested in, and we pointed out where all the new ones had been planted in the wicking bed. In a few weeks time the new entrants can come and harvest their own.
We also found a rogue radish growing with our wildflower seedlings. It was a split decision as to whether it was delicious or disgusting!