Soil Prep and More Seed Harvesting

Continuing on from last week’s theme of seed harvesting, Miss Hunt brought along an ENORMOUS sunflower head from her garden. A fair bit of mahi was needed to break each hard little case open to get to the seed inside. Miss Hunt told us the greenfinches had been feasting on these seeds in her garden. Their perfectly adapted beaks can break the cases open far more quickly and easily than our big stumpy fingers!

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We also got to work making stinky compost tea to help recondition our soil. We added horse manure, sheep pellets, seaweed, comfrey leaves, a handful of compost and a few grass clippings to buckets of water. Some of our gardeners showed good initiative and plant knowledge by also adding rosemary and lavender leaves to try and alleviate the smell of the manure…will they succeed? We’ll find out next week.

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Pesto Party


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