Rhubarb Crumble

A couple of weeks ago Lesley, Jake and Devon were looking in the garden beds. When they got to the rhubarb the boys started talking about rhubarb crumble. Lesley had never eaten it – it’s not a common dish in South Korea.

So the boys decided to make rhubarb and apple crumble for Lesley to try. During the week the three of them found a recipe, copied it out, and organised to each bring in different ingredients.

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After all that planning, finally today was cooking day. Firstly they went to the garden and cut some rhubarb.

Next they washed their hands. Then they washed the rhubarb and apples, cut them up, put them in the dish, and sprinkled over the sugar.

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To make the topping they combined flour, rolled oats, brown sugar and olivani. The olivani had to be mixed in by hand which was a bit gross. Then they covered the fruit with the topping.

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They took the crumble and all the dishes down to the staff room kitchen. Nobody could start the oven up and that was a bit of a worry until Mr Greg came to the rescue. Then the crumble went in, and while it was cooking they did the dishes and watered the seedlings in the greenhouse.

Finally the crumble was ready. A slice each to test, one to take home, and some for the teachers too. Oh, and don’t forget Mr Greg, for fixing the oven for us.

What was the verdict? Everyone loved it. In fact Mr Greg said it was the best crumble he’d ever eaten!

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Preparing for Christmas on the Field


Sowing for the Seedling Sale