The Covid 19 Lockdown

In Aoteaora the whole country went into strict lockdown for a month between 25th March and 28th April, to contain the spread of the Covid19 virus. That meant no school, no playdates, no sports – in fact apart from going for some exercise near home with our ‘bubbles’ (the people in our immediate households) we couldn’t even leave our homes. We couldn’t see our friends or even whanau who didn’t live with us. It was weird, but we were able to connect with friends and family and our teachers over Zoom and Skype. We even had meetings with our teachers and classes over Zoom, which was fun.

After the Level 4 lockdown we were in Level 3 for a couple more weeks which also meant no school. Even when we were able to go back to school, we had to observe a lot of strict hygiene measures including no mixing in groups. So it wasn’t until the end of May that we were able to start back at Kai Growers. It was great to see everyone again and compare notes of the gardening some of us had done at home.


Back to the Garden after Lockdown!


A Well Organised Garden and the Bean Experiment Results