Mauao Seed Saving – Step 3

The seeds we collected on Mauao and then sowed into seed trays in May had been quietly sprouting over the winter. But today was a very big day for them and for us. It was time to ‘prick out’ the seedlings and give each one its own pot to grow in. If we left them all squashed together in trays for any longer they’d start to struggle as they competed with each other for nutrients and space.

We had some VIP guests come to support us with this mahi (luckily we were all on our usual best behaviour!). Josh, the Mauao DoC ranger; matua Dean from the Mauao Trust; Laura, representing one our main sponsors, TECT; Marie, PiPS sponsorship manager and Tim, presiding member of the TCS Board of Trustees.

Before we got to work matua Dean spoke to us about the legends and history of Mauao, and how our actions are going to help the maunga for generations into the future. This really struck a chord with us and we began our mahi with a great sense of respect, understanding what a privilege it was to be involved in this kaupapa.

Whaea Clare showed us how to use ice blocks sticks to gently tease the roots out of the soil, and to hold the seedlings very gently by their stems so as not to damage the roots. We filled the pots or bags 3/4 full with potting mix, made a hole in the middle and placed the seedling in very carefully, making sure the hole was deep enough that the roots wouldn’t be squashed up or left on the surface. Then we filled the pots the rest of the way and watered the seedlings in. The final step was putting our names onto each plant we’d worked on, so we can plant out our own seedlings onto Mauao in future.

It was a very special day for us.


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