End of Year Celebration

Today Whaea Clare and Miss Hunt threw us an end of year party with lots of delicious treats for our shared lunch. The year 6’s got to choose their kai first, as they’ve been leaders and mentors to the younger gardeners this year.

The year 6’s will be leaving for Intermediate next year, so they got to plant a feijoa tree in the orchard. Some of them have been garden club members since Kai Growers began five years ago! Luckily there are lots more keen gardeners coming through the years so our club is in good hands for next year.

We gave Whaea Clare and Miss Hunt a huge pakipaki to thank them for all the time and energy they’ve put in through the year to help us with Kai Growers.

Thank you too, to the sponsors and supporters who allow PiPS and TCS to run the Kai Growers programme. Meri Kirihimete and have a happy and safe New Year.


Mauao Seed Saving - Collection Day


Mauao Seed Saving – Step 3