Kai Growers’ News - Term 3

The winter weather proved a challenge for our seedling storage shelf, but our kai growers were not to be deterred, happy to start again and sow more shelves of seeds for the planting season ahead. It didn’t take long before they were sprouting and healthy enough to plant out into the garden beds. We are now looking at a timed watering system to give our seedlings a better start going forward.

The orchard was laden with lemons and oranges this term, so we took full advantage of the free access to good vitamin C. Our new entrants picked and tasted oranges and we had a wet day’s activity of making lemonade in the hall kitchen with lots of our gardening groups. A great way to keep wintery bugs at bay!

Spring is definitely on its way now, and we have had visits from Monarchs who seem to be really enjoying all the colour in out gardens, especially the calendula! We continue to work on planting lots of flowers in our veggie gardens to attract pollinators of all sorts to promote biodiversity in our garden area.

We have had some great feedback on the worm farms from Mr Greg. He was sitting in his shed, listening to a constant drip, wondering whether there might be a hole in the roof, when he solved the mystery!! - it was just the worm wee, dripping into the buckets!

Our worms have been super productive, and are the best fed around - thanks to our friends at Fresh Choice who provide us with a bucket of produce waste every week. Next term we have plans for some new compost bays made from donated upcycled pallets, so we hope to start making compost too!


Fun in the Gardens – Term 4


Kai Growers Winter Garden