Harvesting from the Wicking Beds

We were meant to be very busy today pricking out lettuce seedlings to sell at the seedling sale in two weeks’ time, and we were, at least for a while. But eventually the lure of all the beautiful, fresh produce in our wicking beds got too much. And what adult can resist hearing a bunch of kids BEGGING to be allowed to go eat their vegetables?! So it was over to the garden beds to harvest (and eat) cauliflower, sprouting broccoli, carrots, lettuce and kale.

A group of new entrants who had watched us transplant the carrot seedlings a few weeks ago had been eagerly monitoring their growth all this time, so we helped them pull up a carrot each. They were amazed to see how crooked some of them were, unlike the ones we find in the supermarket, not to mention how sweet they tasted. We realised the big ones might look the most impressive, but the smaller ones tasted the sweetest.

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Working on our Summer Garden


Why Do We Have a School Garden?