Why Do We Have a School Garden?

One obvious reason is that the students in our garden club, the Tahatai Kai Growers, can have experiences learning about growing their own food and understanding their natural environment. But ideally the garden is a place for every child (and adult) in the school community to use. Here is an example of one of the ways this can happen…

Our Kai Growers have been very fortunate over the last few weeks to have Mrs Robertson joining us in the garden at lunchtime. She’s giving up the one time in her working day she is able to be have a break from kids, to instead spend time helping us (and she is great at snapping us all into shape, too!).

During the week Mrs Robertson brought her class of new entrants out to the garden. With the help of Wian, one of our most experienced Kai Grower members, they did a fantastic job of harvesting loads of the veges our new wicking beds are producing. They parcelled up the veges into paper bags and put them into the staff room so our teachers could help themselves.

We think this is a great learning experience for the kids and for our ‘head gardener’ Wian, not to mention a bonus for the lucky teachers who got to take some fresh veges home. It’s what having a school garden is all about!

Check out these awesome photos Mrs Robertson took of her kids and Wian. Thank you so much, Mrs Robertson :)

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Harvesting from the Wicking Beds


Term 3 – It’s a Wrap